Five Things Parents Can Do To Prepare Their Children For Dental Visits
If you want to ensure your next child's dental visit is successful, make sure they are on their best behavior when the time comes for their appointment. You don't want your child causing problems and making you have to pay for another visit or find a new dentist. Here are some ways to improve behavior during your child's next visit to the dentist.
Make Sure They Have No Sweets Before Hand
All parents know the effects of sugar on the body, such as giving you a great boost of energy and making it difficult to stay still and calm. This can be a major problem when your child has to sit still for hours on end. Make sure to limit sugary snacks and foods before your child's visit.
Dress the Child in Comfortable Clothing
Ill-fitting clothes can also have a big impact on your child's behavior. If they are constantly trying to pull their shirt down or keep a sandal on their foot, they are going to disturb the dentist. Make sure your child has comfortable clothing they feel comfortable in and shoes that stay on their feet.
Help Your Child Floss and Brush Leading Up to an Appointment
The last thing you need to bring to the dentist is a dirty mouth. You don't want your child to see the dentist without taking care of flossing and brushing. Many children feel uncomfortable or anxious after hearing from the dentist that they haven't been doing enough to keep up with daily dental hygiene. Thorough brushing and flossing in the weeks leading up the appointment can prevent this.
Have a Calm Talk with Your Child About Their Behavior
Whether your child has been to the dentist or not, it is important to have a serious talk with them before their next appointment. You should let them know they need to be on their best behavior. Tell your child to leave the dentist's tools alone because they can cause an injury to your child or the dentist. They also need to know to stay out of the cabinets and drawers in the office while they're waiting for the dentist.
Plan to Be Present at the Dental Office During the Visit
Let your child know ahead of time that you will be in the waiting room if they need you. Make the time to wait for your child while they are in the dental chair even if you have other errands to run nearby. They could get scared of some of the tools or the staff. You need to be there to calm them down. If there is a medical emergency, you also need to be there to make legal decisions for your child.
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