Do Dental Implants Ever Fail?

A dental implant is an ideal option for tooth replacement. If one or more of your permanent teeth are missing, dental implants are a permanent replacement option that will most likely last for the rest of your life with proper care and maintenance. However, there are instances in which a dental implant may fail. Here are some things you need to know:

Are Dental Implants Commonly Rejected?

A dental implant is not a part of your body. Therefore, your body cannot reject it like it can another bodily organ during a transplant.

Can the Dental Implant Fall Out?

In some instances, osseointegration can occur. This is a medical way of saying your dental implant is loose or falls out. Osseointegration can happen within months of the implantation process. This occurs when the bone in the jaw does not correctly fuse to the implant. If the implant is not placed correctly, it can also fail. Some dental implant patients do not have good bone density, which can cause dental implant failure. The tissue surrounding the implant can also become damaged through trauma. All of these issues can cause osseointegration.

Can Infection Compromise a Dental Implant?

In some cases, dental implant patients can get peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is an infection you can develop around the implantation area. Infections often happen if you do not care for the implanted tooth or by not keeping it clean. Infections can be painful and result in the loss of both your implant and in bone density where the implant was placed.

Can You Lose Your Implant if Placed Improperly?

If your dental implant is placed in an area that is too close to a nerve, it may have to be removed and replaced in a better area. When a dental implant is too close to a nerve, you can suffer from pain, numbness, and tingling in your jaw and different parts of your face. In some cases, the nerve issues are temporary. However, if you do not notice your symptoms subsiding within a few days after an implant, you need to see your oral surgeon to determine your next steps.

These are a few instances in which your dental implant can fail. Although not common, you need to be on the lookout for any of these symptoms. If your implant becomes too painful or loose, or you begin to suffer from nervous system symptoms, you should have your implants checked right away.

Contact a local dental surgeon to learn more about dental implants.
